Hypnosis and HypnoSomatic Acupuncture
Dr Stephanie H. Lipnicki, DACM, LAc
As a practitioner I am always looking for ways to help my patients to achieve the most optimal state of health and wellness. As someone who suffers from Endometriosis, I am also always looking for tools that help me and my patients to achieve wellness and counter some of the pain of endometriosis.
For some, the word hypnosis conjures images of staged performances where the hypnotist works their craft and then makes members of the audience perform insane tasks - like crowing like a rooster, saying something bizarre, or whatever external response and audience can view.
Hypnosis done as hypnotherapy has an entirely different purpose. The goal is to reach the subconscious mind and have internal changes take place that will enhance the life of the person under hypnosis. As an example, if someone experiences insomnia, they can undergo hypnosis to help alleviate the insomnia. Tools will be suggested that the person under hypnosis is able to access at any time to counter the insomnia. Oftentimes the conscious mind resists change and relishes in holding on to harmful patterns that don't serve us, through hypnosis and suggestions to the subconscious mind, we can begin to break patterns and habits that don't best serve us and our health and well being.
HypnoSomatic Acupuncture combines Acupuncture and Hypnosis to deepen the levels of relaxation. When Acupuncture and Hypnosis combine, a patient receives their Acupuncture treatment and then hypnosis is done after the needles are placed in the body and while the patient is on the treatment table relaxing. The hypnotist (if you are visiting my office this is obviously me) then goes through the process of deep relaxation techniques and then talks about the tools the person under hypnosis can use later.
I like to describe it as Meditation upgrade. It takes meditation to a deeper level, and the healing that can take place is enhanced.
Acupuncture patients who often describe themselves as having trouble getting in the 'zone' of relaxation say that when the tool of hypnosis is combined with their Acupuncture treatment, their mind wanders less and they experience far deeper levels of relaxation and healing.
For endometriosis patients, having sessions where Acupuncture and Hypnosis are combined allows them greater sense of calm and the pain of endometriosis diminishes. The helps when endometriosis patients have to undergo surgical procedures, their healing time is faster combining Acupuncture and Hypnosis (and even more so when you add herbal formulas into their treatment), they are able to achieve a similar state of deeper relaxation during pain cycles of their period so that cramping is less intense. The tools are there to then counter the intense pain.
Usually Hypnosis is done as a series of sessions. although some patients love it so much they combine Acupuncture and Hypnosis for all of their sessions.
If you are thinking about adding another mode of relaxation to achieve wellness, and you are stressed, experience pain, or just need a time out, visit my website, shoot me a note and let's chat about what Hypnosis can do for you!
See you on the treatment table!
Dr Stephanie
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