
Showing posts from March, 2015

What’s it cost to break even, or better yet. . . make a a profit?

My practice is in a very small town, where sadly businesses open and close. A LOT of businesses open and close. I have seen at least 8 different businesses in the space I am going to reference since moving here 15 years ago. Yes 8. 3 of the businesses bakeries – which I would LOVE to see open and flourishing. The space is great, There was a bakery there years ago I truly loved. Banter will usually ensue over topics like this. What made me decide to go ‘off topic’ for my own blog – and I will reference my own business in this as well – was the sadness in seeing so many places come and go, wanting to see a bakery in that space, and knowing bakers who I would love to see do just that. I’ll start with my own personal business, just to cite examples. In 2014, my business cost me $55K to run it. Let me add that my ‘rent’ is a SMALL portion because I own the building my practice is located in, AND I don’t have a mortgage on it. So take away that and it ups the expenses significantly