
Showing posts from February, 2021


Morning coffee thoughts Can we help people without playing the blame game? Dr Stephanie H. Lipnicki, DACM, LAc I often read through social media posts to see what others with endometriosis battle with. My battles as an endowarrior are not necessarily the same as someone else’s battles. After reading a post today that indicated we’re responsible for our illness - I got triggered. Now the post wasn’t specific to endometriosis, but it said “you contributed to your sickness, so you need to contribute to your healing.” I’ve had endometriosis since I was 12. It took me 16 YEARS to get a Dr to listen to me and stop saying it was ‘painful periods’, and by the time I got someone to listen it was Stage IV endo. And believe me when I would sit there vomiting from the pain - as someone who went to Catholic School - the repeated question was what did I do wrong to deserve this. For a LONG time I felt something I did wrong got me where I was. I was 12 wh