A New Step on the Path

In my nearly 20 years as a Health Care Practitioner, I have evolved and grown in terms of who I am, where I started, and where I saw my practice going a number of times. For some change meets resistance and at times this has been so for me.

When I started out as a Massage Therapist, my first business name was "Arabesque Massage" chosen because from a very young age I fell in love with dance and dance I did (and still do). So the word Arabesque came from that love.

Once I began to expand my vision, developing my dreams for the future, I changed the name of my business to Natural Alternatives. Then as I heard that term used more and more, the name evolved to Natural Alternatives to Well Being, and then further evolved to Natural Alternatives Center for Wellness. With the purchase of our center that the office calls home, building 2 was named The Sanctuary.

My logos have changed over the years as well. At one point I had a Sun with a Moon inside of it. I then used the Chinese Symbols for the three treasures representing Body, Mind and Spirit. For the last 7+ years I used a picture of my hands holding one of each of my twins hands as my logo. This became an issue as my daughter started asking why her hands were not included. 

I floundered with what I wanted my logo to now evolve into as I began building my Acupuncture practice, yet continued practicing Massage Therapy, Nutritional Counseling, and Skin Care, etc.

A brilliant Artist and dear friend of mine Elise Hartmann listened to my ramblings and managed to perfectly illustrate exactly what I wanted for Natural Alternatives Center for Wellness and The Sanctuary.

I feel that this is an amazing step towards further pursuing my dreams as a Health Care Practitioner and the people who entrust their care to me and I absolutely love the logo.

I hope you love the new look as much as I do.



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