Keep Your Feet Warm?
Keep Your Feet Warm? Sounds like quite the odd suggestion. Why is my Acupuncturist telling me to keep my feet warm to help with my endometriosis and gynecological problems? If you don't already know this, Acupuncturists study hundreds of points located all over the body and those points are located on channels or pathways all over the body. The points are like exits on the highways that are channels. The channels are named after organs that they impact. There are 3 of these 12 main channels/ superhighways that usually need some TLC when it comes to gynecological concerns and endometriosis. The Liver, the Spleen, and the almighty Kidney. Guess where those channels begin?. . . You guessed it (I hope) - the feeties! Why does it matter if your feet are cold? These channels all have influence on the uterus - called Zi Gong Xue or the Palace of the Child. AND the uterus does not like cold. WHAT? Nope the uterus doesn't like to be cold. Too much excessive heat isn't grea