
This was originally published in 2011 and updated in 2020. I have removed some of the original text as well as added some new information. Added information is in [brackets]

Welcome to the Natural Alternatives Center for Wellness  Blog! If you don't know me, I am [Dr] Stephanie Huth Lipnicki, [DACM], LAc - as you can see from the "about me" corner.  I decided to begin a blog to share information about health, wellness and other things I feel people might find helpful on their path to wellness. [This blog was started in 2011 and clearly not added to frequently enough].

[A great deal has changed since the intro was written. The following is a lengthy bio about who I am and what qualifies me as a specialist in my field.]

I started in Massage School 20 years ago [okay it's 2020 and that means it is actually 30 YEARS] and thought my life was going in one direction towards my becoming a Physical Therapist. 20 years later [again 30 YEARS] and after logging many hours of education, I still cannot say I'm still not sure I've arrived at a final destination,  but I never did get that Physical Therapy education! 

What happened? I fell in love with Massage Therapy, and one of my teachers during my time at Massage School was an Acupuncturist. Between reading Ted Kaptchuk's The Web that Has no Weaver and receiving an Acupuncture treatment I knew someday that's what I was going to do. So I finished Massage School and high school and started on my way to college.

About 2 years into my pre-Physical Therapy courses, I realized that was not the path for me. I decided to look into Acupuncture School and that brought me to Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. My dreams were temporarily put on the back burner because although I had enough college credits for admission, I did not yet have the requirements necessary to get licensed in NJ.

I refused to let this get to me. I changed majors and colleges and began studying Nutritional Sciences at Rutgers University. During this time I continued to practice Massage Therapy. It took me 5 years to finish at Rutgers and along the way I got married. At this point I decided I might not get to Acupuncture school quite yet and for some reason decided after I had children, and they were in school, would be the time to go back and start my path towards an Acupuncture degree. I thought, probably when I am 35 I'll go back to school and start an Acupuncture eduction.

The Universe had other plans. I had trouble conceiving and was devastated. I was 25 years old and couldn't get pregnant. I had always had additional interests in learning skin care. At that point, I thought, why don't I go to school for that and at least I'll have something to take my mind off of my fertility challanges.

That's when I went to Cosmetology School and received training and licensure as a Skin Care Practitioner.

While completing my skin care training, my husband [now ex-husband - yeah a LOT has changed] and I hadn't learned much about why we couldn't conceive. A classmate suggested that I see her Acupuncturist and I did. I realized after a short time under his care, that I still needed something to take my mind of our fertility challenges. [Let me now in 2020 add the backstory regarding how I had been living a lie of EXTREME pain with a myriad of menstrual issues that doctor after doctor dismissed].

It was time to make the jump and begin studying Acupuncture formally. By the time all of my paperwork went through and I was about to start - I found out I was pregnant! When I went for my orientation at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine (PCOM), that night I miscarried. I started school the very next week still trying to sort out my frustration but relieved that I had something to take the focus away from my personal struggles. [ 2020 FYI - This was my third miscarriage and it was suspected it was twins lost at separate times due to the HCG numbers]

I did finally conceive after my first year at PCOM, and after having surgery to remove scar tissue in my abdominal cavity caused by endometriosis. [I had stage IV endometriosis that was dismissed for years. I spend over 16 YEARS in pain with Doctors telling me it was just painful periods].  It took the help of Acupuncture as well as IVF and Fertility Specialists. [In 2003 I had twin boys]

It took me 8 years to finish my studies at PCOM, but my husband [again 2020 - EX husband] and I were blessed with three beautiful and amazing children along the way.

My practice is located in the heart of Allentown, NJ and I love the community and the opportunity to serve as the local Acupuncturist. 

[In the meantime I have also completed my Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as well. For a number of years I maintained a general Family Acupuncture practice. In 2019 I made the decision to specialize in Women's Health which had always been a calling for me.]

I hope that the information that I present to you in the future will serve as a tool to help you on your path, and if you are in Allentown, NJ (not PA) stop by and say hello!

Dr Stephanie


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